
Worrying about classes

I hate coming across a class where things aren't laid out clearly. Unfortunately, it seems like I am taking two such classes. One is my nutrition class, and one is my syntax class.

With the nutrition class, the study guides for exams don't make sense. Something listed in lesson 3 should be found in lesson 3, right? Nope. I emailed the teacher, asking where it was, and she said "Look at lesson 1!"

...Lesson ONE? Did I suddenly not learn to count? And this is the whole study guide, mind you. Things listed under lesson 1 are actually under lesson 2, lesson 2 is all over, lesson 3 is in lesson 1... I miss having a physical book to study from. I bought it online (don't know why...) and I should've just bought a loose-leaf copy or something. Because I'm a visual learner. I need to see the words on the page. I also need to be able to turn the page. I can remember where certain information is based on where it is located on the page and generally how far in it is. I can't do that with online texts. When I'm reading online, I zone out. Badly. And I remember nothing.

My syntax class is all over. I got a 75% on my first quiz because I either couldn't find it in the book, couldn't remember it being talked about in class, or one thing was said in class and another in the book so I didn't know which to pick. It also doesn't help I can't take notes the way I'd like to in class because there ARE no notes. The teacher doesn't give us any. Just talks. And talks. And talks. Once again, I need to see the words and in this case, write them down. I learn better through writing things once or twice to help cement base knowledge. This means that when I read from the textbook, I've got to actually be writing down important information because I won't get it otherwise. And the problem is, I don't know what's important to that class so I end up writing everything.

I hope I pass these classes. I'm a bit of an overacheiver- I strive for all A's. But right now, for those two classes, I'll settle for a B. Just the middle range. I really just want to do well.


It will be a busy weekend

HELLO HELLO EVERYBODY. I'm going to quickly update you on how crazy my weekend is going to be before I head to bed!

So, what's happening tomorrow is I get to wake up early (7-ish) and get ready for my day. Then I get to go bouldering at the brand new facility with a friend, and then I work shortly after! And then we've got to move the bulkhead... I hate moving it. It takes so much time. But then after, I get to relax. Play some video games. Be a little productive. You know, those things. And on Sunday, I wake up at 8-ish, then work as a manager until 4, and then quickly do laundry, talk to the wonderful Nate, and make myself some food. And prepare food for Monday because I'm going to see if I can get Monday-Thursday to be my "early days" (Monday is a bit of an ease-in for Tuesday-Thursday).

I can't wait until next weekend. I can sleep in more.... I'm so tired and I just want to curl up in bed with absolutely nothing to do but play video games. Unfortunately that's not going to happen anytime soon!


Busy Monday Nights

When I get home from my friend's house and food shopping, I'm going to be busy preparing for my Tuesday. I can't wait for my Tuesdays to calm down, which they will... after tomorrow. But tomorrow I've got to prepare breakfast for when I wake up really early in the morning, and then prepare 2 snacks and lunch because I've got classes and then a doctor's appointment all the way up until about 2 or so, and I won't have any time to relax. After tomorrow, I don't have to prepare the lunches anymore. But still. Busy! And that's not counting any homework I get assigned tomorrow and working out for an hour.

Sometimes I wish I weren't so busy, but then I'd be bored. I'd probably be less stressed though.

Speaking of stress, I have to work on my thesis when I get home, too...



So I've been going to the gym every day this week (except for Monday- my break days) and so far it's been a bit stressful simply because of the fact that I've been busy almost every day this week so I don't have time to do homework. I should definitely be prioritizing homework, but I'm waiting on another textbook to get here so I can start on a group project due in about 3 weeks and all that. I'm glad for my no-class Fridays and doing absolutely nothing most Saturdays and Sunday days. I'm waiting eagerly for the first two weeks of school to be over because then I don't have to work all day on Sunday the 24th or Wednesdays anymore! So I can go work out any time during the day on Wednesdays and do homework Wednesday afternoons too! I'm very excited for living back on campus though. I can do a lot of stuff now. Which is great.


Busy week

I don't have time for a long post now, but the first two weeks are going to be busy. So for now, expect long-ish posts on Mondays and Fridays to make up for my lack of Wednesday postings. I want my schedule to go to normal.


First Day of Classes

Everything is going splendidly. Kind of. I'm trying to access one of my online classes and the class list isn't loading in my Canvas. So I either need to do that after work and class, or I need to call someone and say, "Hey, my classes aren't loading and I need to see my homework for my nutrition class. Thaaaaaanks."

Maybe I need to give it a break. This gives me 40 minutes to screw around until I need to go to work. So I'll spend some of that time eating, some of that time blogging (here I am!) and some of that time getting ready for the first day at my new job at the new building. It's going to be a learning experience.

My only class today is 3 hours long. I love the teacher, but I'm curious to know how I'm going to survive a 3 hour long class. The last time I took one, I was bored I stopped paying attention and played around on my computer. No such luck with this class because the teacher doesn't like people having laptops or cellphones out. Soooo we'll see. I may bring my notebook so I can work on my story if I get too bored. Or I'll doodle in the margins of my notes. Either way, I know my attention is going to wander until I bring in some knitting/crocheting stuff. That usually helps me focus.


New Year, New Job, New Start

Hello, everyone! Sorry about not writing. I got slammed with school, depression and doctors appointments, job, and moving out of my apartment to move back onto my college campus.

It's 2015 and I'm determined to make it a new beginning for me. I've been around some toxic people (which kind of triggered this recent down for depression). I'm determined to stop interacting with the toxic people unless absolutely necessary and to hang out more with the people I consider my friends. Luckily, two live on campus, one lives off-campus but I'm planning on going to use her house more often, and two more live closer to campus but not on campus. Those are the five I feel close to. There are some people who aren't as close but I feel better around them than with the toxic people.

Now why did I say "unless absolutely necessary" instead of keeping it at nothing? The reason is that a majority of these toxic people are at my job. I love this job a lot. Or used to, anyway. Recently, I've been feeling left out of work functions. Everyone gets along but me. And that may be because one of the toxic people in my life is the assistant manager at my job. Everyone is friends with this person. And let me tell you the majority of the people at my job love to gossip. I feel like the assistant manager and these people have been talking about me behind my back. Today, at job training, I found out that at some point everyone planned to go to the pizza place near school. I heard them talking about it, but no one asked me to go or if I had heard about it, and I asked no one because I learned a long time ago not to ask people about invitations because unless I am explicitly invited, I assume my presence is unwanted. I keep trying to reason it out as "no, I was at training for my other new job and they probably planned it while I was at that training. They probably just assumed that I knew I was invited and I assumed I wasn't invited and that's why I didn't go." But at the same time, this tiny voice keeps saying, "No one likes you, that's why they didn't invite you. If they wanted you there, someone would've asked you before everyone left if you were going or texted you and asked you why you weren't there with them." And I want to disprove that voice so badly but I am not on the best terms with these toxic people. The thought popped into my head in the past day or two to maybe quit this job if it doesn't get better. If I continue to feel left out and alone, I need to either take a long break from this job or quit completely. And I don't want to quit, but it may be best for me.

I've got a new job at the same facility as my first job, and this time it's as a facility manager for the building. I'm very excited for it. I get to be very hands-on and get leadership experience and experience managing a large exercise facility. I'm very excited for this facility, not only as an employee, but as a guest. It is brand-new and beautiful. I used it today (employees got to use it first!) and I'm in love with it. I'm excited to do my new exercise thing of weights and swimming and biking and maybe a Latin dance or ballroom class. If I can gain more muscle, I would be grateful. I'm not going to push for it, but if it happens along the way, I'll be happy. But I'm so excited for this new job of mine. The only problem I'll have is not being able to eat during my shifts. My metabolism is kind of fast and I eat smaller meals, so I need to eat relatively frequently. We'll see what happens.

I'm going to create a paper with my resolutions (only two right now) and the reward I'll get for doing those resolutions. They are small and manageable. The first is to write a page a day of a story I'm working on and would like to publish eventually. The second is to stick to my workout schedule. I'm willing to be flexible for that because life happens. I may get sick, my depression may hit again, etc. I just need to roll with it and work with it.