About Me

Hi! I'm Jess! I'm the college student behind Musings from Wonder World. Musings from Wonder World came about from my love of Alice in Wonderland and how frequently I wanted to write down my thoughts on a variety of topics. This desire became stronger when I got to college.

I began to knit at the age of 12, after moving again. Being bored, I really wanted to occupy my time in some way. I picked up a knitting book at JoAnns, taught myself from the book, and never looked back. Two years later, I added crocheting to my repertoire. It accompanied me throughout high school and into my transition to college. I also learned how well baking worked to bring people together in college. I found food to be something that brought people together.

I'll mostly be talking about the thoughts that come into my head, my perspective on various topics going on around me, and my college life.

Check out my Pinterest board here, my Storenvy here, or my Facebook page here.

New Years Resolutions 2014!
1. Once a week, I will write for 30 minutes by hand. If I do it on the computer, I'm more likely to meander around the internet, which I don't want to do.
2. Be more consistent with responding to letters. I've got a penpal and I am awful at responding to letters. 
3. Speak Japanese somewhat well. I get to go to Japan this summer, so I'm hoping I get to pracctice more.
4. Improve my confidence. 
5. Be more assertive.
6. Take a few risks. 
7. Read Les Miserables. I forgot which version I have on my Kindle, but I will read it.
8. Go hiking a couple of times during the summer. I'm not sure where I'll be in summer, but I am going to go hiking.
9. Take more photographs! I love photography and it bums me out when I can't practice.
10. Improve my 100 free time by 10 seconds (hopefully).
11. Finish some WIP crochet/knitting projects. And maybe decrease my yarn stash a bit.

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